Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thing 10 - feeds

I really liked the clean, business-like format of topix. It seemed a bit more geared towards news and politics, which, if I am going to look at anything, would probably be those topics.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to access feedster. They are working on their site and don't currently have anything up.

I didn't like syndic8 at all. Uninteresting to look at, looks like web pages back from the mid-90's. It didn't feel intuitive either.

I may have liked technorati the best, at least from a visual standpoint. I really like the scrolling feature that goes through new posts, and lets you pause it if desired. There are not as many preset search options set up, but I didn't have any problems doing my own searches.

I came across a few fun feeds - a new puppy picture each day, a new joke each day, simple things like that. Again, I'm more of a search for it when I need it kind of person, so having feeds set up to poll certain sites isn't of much value to me at this point. Interesting time waster, however! :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thing 9 - RSS and Newsreaders

Advantage: One stop shopping to read the updates to those sites you're interested in and go to regularly

Disadvantages: Having to register for yet another online service, having to remember yet another user name and password, and feeling forced to read everything that is sent!

There are only two sites I go to with any regularity and I like browsing them at my leisure. I'm not as interested in quickly reading the "new" news, but enjoy perusing them as I have the time and interest. It doesn't concern me if I miss the latest and greatest info that's been posted. So having said all that, I'm not sure RSS and newsreaders are things I would use very often. I do see where it could be useful in a profession where having frequent, up-to-date information is critical.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thing 5 - Thoughts on Library 2.0

Our assignment: Write about your thoughts on Library 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you?

There was some interesting reading here. I don't think it is realistic to expect the library to be all things to all people. There is no way we can offer everything that a person might want - and it's important to remember that we never have! We offer a great many things but not everything.

In addition, there needs to be some realization of how this technology reaches the bulk of our patrons. What are the demographics for a particular library? If most of our patrons are computer illiterate, is there much use for a library blog? If we're in a wealthy area, patrons have resources outside the library that they will probably use first.

Overall, I suppose we should search for balance.

Thing 2 - 7-1/2 Learning Habits

Take a look and listen to this link:

7-1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

I suppose what is easiest is Habit 4 - Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner. I've always loved to learn, and have traditionally been a good student open to new ideas, so this one is pretty well ingrained.

What is hardest is perhaps Habit 3 - View problems as challenges. There is sometimes that knee-jerk reaction when you run into a problem of "Oh, no, that won't work" or "I can't do that", but once I calm down and regroup, I can usually navigate my way to a solution.

First thoughts

Well, in spite of conversations I've had with a co-worker, I really don't believe I'm a blogger at heart! Who knows though...perhaps I won't be able to shut up. Have to do this for work, and it is a good exercise, so I guess I'm off and running!