Friday, January 18, 2008

Thing 30 - Summary

Well, all done, here we are at the last “thing”, and what a relief!

I think what surprised me most about this program was how excited some people got over learning some of the tasks. They had never previously had exposure to some of the things we covered and were pretty into doing the exercises. It was good to see that.

I think the biggest change that I would suggest would be to distribute the more “fun” exercises a little more evenly throughout the program, and not have them clumped together at the end. Many of the exercises at the beginning were, quite frankly, boring and it would have helped to have something fun to do along the way.

My other main suggestion would be to not have so many “things.” We have so much to do in the course of a day or week, that this added work was difficult to manage. Yes, it got done but it was at the expense of other things.

Oh, I thought of one other thing! Please, please, please do not set up the spreadsheet system again. That was extremely painful. If you absolutely feel you have to set things up that way, at least divide it into maybe 5 different for numbers 1 - 50, 51-100, 101-150, etc. It was terribly time consuming trying to even get into it!

I suppose my participation in future discovery programs might depend on what the topic was. Of course my supervisor might require my participation, so it might not even be my decision! Online learning, while it might be the wave of the future, is not my preferred method. I know my learning style and preferences, and online just doesn’t adequately meet my needs.


Cindy Hart said...

Congrats! You completed 30 things. Thank you for participating in this program. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Betsy said...

I hear ya sister! I got through the last 10 or so Things in one day, where the rest of them took ages. I didn't think I was going to finish. And the spreadsheet was a little headache-inducing. I did fine with it, and now I'll have to repost everything up to 18. Yuck. Love the pink on your page, and the LibraryThing books look good. I think my page needs more images.

Diane Wetterlin said...

I feel and share your spreadsheet pain!